Sunday, July 4, 2010


Growing up has never been easy for me, I still find myself clinging onto memories of my past. How I would used to spend an entire weekend devoted to one simple task, never stopping not even to eat or even go to the bathroom. Saving a dying world from a plauge of darkness, wining a Stanley Cup playoff game, or just simply running about on rails catching tiny rings. You know what I am talking about; you'd wake up on Saturday morning, have your sugar coated mascot cereal, watching the required cartoons and if you're lucky and you had no chores to do that afternoon you had your task.

That's right, I'm talking about video games!

Nothing felt better, you'd rent a game friday and you'd have 3 days! In those 3 days you had to master that game, all of its secerts, all of its challenges, and weither it was good or bad you had to finish it (unless you were that lucky kid whose parents allowed them to take back shitty games so you could get one you wanted.) That feeling of accomplishment, after defeating that one boss after 3 frustrating hours of trial and error figuring out its pattern, its weakness! In those days there was no internet, only whatever you knew from word of mouth or video game magazines. Oh the joy of beating the game, to watch the credits roll, to get that "Thanks for playing!" at the very end.

You know what I am talking about.

However nowadays, games have evoled into something much much bigger then it was back then. Anything from the technology used, the grand storytelling, hell even the politics all of it has changed. No longer is it simple pixels or sprites, full beautiful 3D rendered graphics with ear thumping sound is now what we get (yet we stilll listen to the simple chipset music). Gaming now is far more interesting then it was back when I was younger, and while I don't agree with a lot of changes that have come from its evolution; I still love video games.

I guess that's where this place comes in,

Yes, if you haven't already guessed it this site is to become a gaming blog. A place where we are going to talk about games, from our experiences to suttle obversations, hell we'll even throw a few reviews in here and there. What we simply want to accomplish with this blog is to share a bit of our love of video games with the net. We are well aware that there are thousands upon thousands of sites that talk about games, why would you want to waste your time with us?

Because I don't know really, we just want to add our two cents. Agree, disagree, all we want to do is talk about video games.

And play them of course.

So welcome, to Haruokay!

By: Kevin

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