Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World The Game....The...Review?

Unless you've been living under a rock this past summer then you've propably heard of this comic series. Its about some character (who is in many ways a massive douchebag) as he goes through the usual coming of age bullshit that most twentysomethings seem to go through. Except for one small twist, that being his current girlfriend has 7 evil ex's and in order to stay together he has to defeat all 7 of them.

Littered about in this odd love/coming of age/Wallace is awesome story are various references to video games. From save points, level ups, and fantasticly profitable murder SP's world is one that would translate pretty well into a game. Kinda like River City Ransom, except Canadain.

Wait a minute.....

So to call Scott Pilgrim vs The World The Game a homage to RCR would be somewhat of a lie, the game is pretty much RCR. From the leveling up, to the buying of goods from stores, this is all in all RCR for a new generation. Which. Is. AWESOME!

The core gameplay goes like this; you beat the shit out of people, they become money, use money to gain items and more expereience, beat the boss, repeat. Its glorious! Four player action! Fantastic! Online mulitplayer! Fuck no!

The game itself feels like an old style arcade beat-em-up, right down to the FBI-esque "Winners Don't Use Drugs" warning before the opening demo. You have 4 playable characters to choose from, with one hidden unlockable character. Obviously you have Scott, the members of his band "Sex-Bob-omb" Steven Stills and Kim, finally ending off with Romona the girl who dates evil guys (and one girl). Each pretty much play the same with their own little nunances, once they reach level 16 gain their own special technique, with one more additional technique that can be purchased in one of the later levels. Each characer has a max level of 16, and counting on what you eat and buy from the various shops characters stats will go up.

The controls are not too complicated, you have your usual jump, punch, kick and block which can be used for combos and the like. I cannot tell you how much fun this game is, both playing at home in single player, and with 4 people in mulitplayer. The game has 7 stages which are beautifully done and touch on a certain aspect of the story which oddly enough takes place somewhere in Toronto. Each stage carries a theme of storts which relates to one of the ex's and that particular part of the story. From the world map, right down to the wonderful chiptune music you can feel the love that was put into this game.

If you haven't heard of Anamanaguchi then I suggest you stop reading and start googling or youtubing right now (and while you are doing that, I'll be dealing with the fact I just said "googling and youtubing" when did that happen?) Every peice of music for this game was put together by Anamanaguchi which really adds to the classic arcade feel of this whole game. Its crazy awesome fun!

But Kevin did you not say that said wonderful game lacked online mulitplayer?

Yes the game lacks the one thing that most multiplayer PSN and Live Arcade games are known for and that is online play. While leaderboards are available so you can measure your gaming penis with the other men, the lack of online multiplayer is somewhat annoying. I can see in a sense why Ubisoft decided to make it a local multiplayer game, emulating the old arcade style beat-em-up having your buddies side by side. While the inclusion of online multiplayer would have been nice, there are many strong points to SP that lessen the sting. Once you grow tired of beating the shit out of people in the regular game, you can enter cheat codes on the title screen to unlock two additional modes. Survival Horror and Boss Rush!

Boss Rush is well....a boss rush, you fight through all the bosses without dying.

Simple concept!

Survival Horror is pretty much the same thing, except instead of the bosses you fight wave after wave of zombies. Its fantastic! Its fun, hell I've gotten a good month of playtime from this game and it was roughly about $10-$15 bucks.

Now obviously this really isn't a true review (even though it totally is), simply put I have no idea how our review system is going to work out yet. This is pretty much just me talking about how awesome of a time I had with SP, if you want a score I'll give it a 7/10. Why? Like I said, online mulitplayer. A game like this would very much benenift from it. Its not like its Ubisoft's first LIVE/PSN title that is a 4 person beat-em-up.

*cough*Turtles in Time*cough*

By: Kevin

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